Friday, February 23, 2018

TV-TWO(TTV)-The Marvelous Way of Bring Blockchain Ecosystem To Your Living Room

Have you known about a Blockchain system that can watch TV? This is about it. The current distribution model that is used by TV networks for content delivery has become seriously lopsided. In recent years, TV stations have started to drastically increase the advertising prices, while cutting revenue shares for content creators. Not only that, many of the big networks have also increased subscription costs substantially, thereby causing many people to adopt online streaming services for their daily fix of entertainment.
Some of the other problems within the TV industry today include
Lack of Innovation
Since major networks control the flow of all televised content, the problem of decreasing quality is becoming more and more apparent with each passing day.
Premium Content
Another major issue with TV content these days is that, most of the major networks have introduced premium packages that require a monthly fee for viewers to avail of content that was previously free to view.
What is TV-TWO(TTV)?
TV-TWO is an all new ‘open content platform’ for individuals who are looking to amalgamate their regular television experience with that of “personalized video streaming” options. As a result of this, customers can become privy to quality online content at no extra subscription costs. The platform makes use of a native token to administer the exchange of information within its ecosystem, and allows for monetary exchanges to take place between consumers, content providers and advertisers.
What's The Difference Watching Television On Blockchain?
In order to better understand what TV-Two is, we should envision this platform to be an application that has been designed to blend regular broadcast television with a “personalized and ad-supported video stream”. This video stream will play premium content that is otherwise quite expensive to obtain (at no extra costs to customers). To access this premium content, all one has to do is click on the Enter button on the specially designed TV-Two remote.
Is TV-TWO(TTV) Free?
As mentioned earlier, all of the premium content that is shown via the TV-Two stream is embedded with advertisements. In addition to this, through the use of this system, consumers have the ability to share their personal data with advertisers on their own terms. This basically translates to advertisers gaining personal insights into our viewing habits, thereby allowing them to relay more personalized/ relevant messages that can in turn result in “higher user satisfaction and better returns on ad spending”.
Now Its ICO Time
The TV-Two platform will be employing the use of a token called TTV for conducting all business operations within its ecosystem. In all, there will be a total of 500,000,000 that will be made available during the sale period. Additionally, there will be a soft cap of 2,500 ETH, and a hard cap of 50,000 ETH in place. The sale is due to commence on the 24th of February, 2018, and conclude on the 24th of March. In terms of the pricing of TTV we can see that 1ETH = 10,000 TTV.
Token Distribution Scheme
As per the official company whitepaper, the allocation of tokens will be done as follows
75% of all TTV will be made available to investors via the token sale.
15% of the currency pool has been set aside for use by the founders of TV-Two.
6% have been reserved for the core development team.
The remaining 4% will be used for promotional campaigns and incentives.
Allocation Of Funds
60% of all collected revenue will be used for further platform development and engineering.
14% will be used for marketing purposes (so as to increase the widespread appeal of TV-Two).
20% will be distributed among company partners, as well as to cover for legal expenses.
The remaining 6% will be reserved for the creation of a contingency fund (in case of any market crashes, emergencies etc).
TV-TWO offers the community a blockchain-based open platform for a new television ecosystem. This includes: First, an application for Connected TVs that blends traditional television with a personalized video stream offering premium content at no subscription costs. The video stream can always be opened with just one click of a button. Second, the Token for Television (TTV), an ERC20 token that administers the exchanged value between consumers, content providers and advertisers. We propose a new ecosystem, where the trustless nature of the Ethereum blockchain makes it possible for market participants to interact directly without having to rely on TV network as middlemen. Consumers get to watch curated videos while receiving TTV for choosing to see sponsored messages from advertisers. Content creators are rewarded by users with TTV for their quality productions. Advertisers receive more transparency over their spending than in any form of digital advertising.
It gives you wings, when you know that thousands of people stand behind you when you are working day and night. Decentralizing the TV industry is a mammoth task. Many obstacles will appear along the road. It is a tough mission. But together with our community we are determined to succeed. The constructive criticism the boosts our product development. The word of mouth grows our ranks. The constant props fuel our endurance. The passionate support inspires us. Broadcast television has not changed for decades. TV networks successfully hindered innovations to keep their powerful positions. They determine the costs and aired content for users. They dictate prices to advertisers. They discriminate content producers. TV-TWO breaks those unfair relationships and rings the bell for the future of television.
Transactions between advertisers and users as well as between users and content providers will always be tied to the Token for Television. Advertisers will have to acquire TTV during the crowdsale or on the exchanges in order to sponsor messages. The decision to the design the ecosystem in a way that it is reliant on the TTV helps to leverage token network effects in order to overcome the bootstrapping challenge of initially limited application utility. Participants of the crowdsale that provide TV-TWO with the resources to jump start the decentralized TV ecosystem profit from the growth of the model through an appreciation of the TTV. As each token has the reserved right to show ads to a fixed portion of the TV-TWO user base, every consumer that comes to the platform boosts the value of the token.

Official Links for More Details
Official Web :
Whitepaper :
Telegram :

My bitcointalk profile details,
Name : waru
Bitcointalk link :;u=1232324

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