Tuesday, March 20, 2018

VinChain(VIN)-Magnificent Way of Check The Reliability of a Vehicle

Have you known a magnificent method of check vehicle reliability? This is about it. The Vinchain project addresses the problem of asymmetric information in the market for vehicles used by the decentralized delivery lifecycle, unaltered, transparent and vehicle safety. VinChain blockchain to the database, vehicle reports all the information. The increases in vehicle information to the user. Quite obviously can easily be seen today. Distributed storage of information technology to protect truth. This guarantees absolute reliability and data security. In the future, the market segments such as technology can be temporarily neighboring force, real estate and construction machinery.
The Project Goals
The Project aims is to transform the global market of VinChain, the cars, and an honest, transparent, and fair, so that it is an approach by each participant. You can create and access data blocks with different levels of security and they were on the level of awareness by government agencies fears. And to this end was the underlying reason for participating in the Conference in order to the producers of the automotive industry, insurance societies, or he that teaches, works well, then the navigation systems and the developers is the city of art. It also provides the opportunity to build infrastructure and direct access to the database of each market participant. When the memory problems with the owner of the 1970 Nobel Peace Prize, George Akerlof article in the scientific “lemon market and uncertainty about what the market mechanism. One party (seller) with regard to the operation of the markets that have greater product knowledge compared to the counterparty (the buyer). This is called “a market with asymmetric information.” The market for used cars for example. In everyday life, in general, when you sell a car knows much of a vehicle is usually the seller to the buyer. The problem is to pay for their purchase, which opens the way to be a fraud. Buyers are well represented, but in the thing, or else, when the risk of buying a car is a bad man, and not pay a price for the car is reduced. The removal of the whole region. The middle of his mind, and such a thing to sell used cars eliminate the Vinchain, broad, and of the construction of the machinery, buildings, etc., Bring to market, you have created the same trick both and all.
The nature of the uncertainty and the market mechanism is, that one is more conscious than the part of the product from the asymmetric information in the market place to the other, the possibilities of fraud or at least a decent work is the falsehood that does not affect the price. To protect against the risk of buying a “bad” car, the buyer reduces the price for the vehicle you are willing to pay. This can lead in the market for used vehicles entirely disappear in a vicious circle of depreciation value. This cycle can be stopped except by removing information asymmetry. There is no reliable database of cars together. Commercial and databases have been stored up, subject to errors, and with center. Also, it does not interact with each other to a lack of information. Because of this, either from the buyer, the car is his, but in a form adapted to be informed by the risk of the investment. Vinchain (VIN) is an international automotive market decentralized data provides complete transparency on the history of the vehicle. VinChain solve the problem in the asymmetric information in the market for a used vehicles in the organs of the lifecycle of create a decentralized, and unchanging, transparent, safe and reliable, with a data base blockchain all the acts, to the vehicle information of the vehicle. Each vehicle data accumulated use all the time. This fable is made transparent and accessible to all. The accuracy keeps the vehicle using distributed data storage space is certain. This guarantees absolute reliability and data security.
The Mechanism
Each of the almost elaborate the BlockChain soup downtown. This is essential for technology Blockchain of encryption money. This plan provides Blockchain advantages:
   You can store information on car care.
   Allows you to access for different users levels.
   Ensures absolute reliability.
   It must be transparent reward system for information providers.
   Capability to work directly with the market participant.
   Resistant to network attacks.
The RoadMap
February​ ​2017
Concept​ ​development-The founders are studying the blockchain technology’s ability to collect and store information,first prototypes are developed.
October​ ​2017
White​ ​paper​ ​and​ ​project​ ​concept​ ​approval-White paper issue, collecting feedback from the community, concept and work flow chart development based on the collected data
November​ ​23,​ ​2017
​Tokens​ ​pre-sale​ ​to​ ​early-stage​ ​investors
​December​ ​1​ ​to​ ​December​ ​24,​ ​2017
VinChain​ ​pre-ICO.​ ​Pre-ICO-VinChain will be held from December 1 to December 24, 2017 until the required amount is collected.
March​ ​2018
MVP​ ​testing-Product testing launched
Since​ ​March​ ​22​ ​to​ ​April​ ​15,​ ​2018
ICO​ ​VinChain, ICO launch. The key objective during this period is to sell tokens Qualitatively and without a hitch.
April​ ​16,​ ​2018
TokenSale Once ICO ends, the procedure tokens will be issued to investors
April​ ​20,​ ​2018
Product​ ​development​ ​and​ ​optimization,​ ​release​ ​of​ ​new versions
4th​ ​quarter​ ​ ​2018
Work​ ​finalization​ ​on​ ​VinChain​ ​project.
VinChain(VIN)-The Mission
Create different levels of access information by means of the protection of the bands, as well. The data must comply with the requirements of the security level government agencies. Join participants in the automotive industry, such as manufacturers, insurance companies, distributors, factories the reasons for navigation systems in the ecosystem of the developers conceived by one, Data inevitably impose. Create infrastructure and provide direct access to the database to market each participant. When he finds out how real car seller as emergency situations, such as if the car is not easy to predict from the thing to the buyer in all is the condition of them both. A decentralized to the automotive market is the main geographic information VinChain. The VinChain team is working to ensure full transparency of the story lorem.
The Conclusion
Hence, if you are looking to invest in the companies conspired leaders blockchain applications, this is one of the best options for you. The company is trying to solve the problem, and so is the potential of its global platform, as well as society are launching HIT is huge. Therefore, the main HIT guilty, which provides the history of decentralized lorem alcohol. This revolutionize the automotive industry.
To Know more Visite
Telegram:https://t.me/ vinchainio
Bitcointalk Username:waru

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