Sunday, March 4, 2018

World Wi-Fi(WE)-Blockchain System to Connect Many People to Internet

Have you known a blockchain platform that connects many people to internet? This is about it. Before one hundred years great scientist Nikola Tesla was dreaming about providing wireless electricity connection for a whole world. Tesla was one of the biggest minds of 20th century and person ahead of its time in every sense. Even today we are still using vires to get electrical energy to our homes, luckily for us, some things have become wireless, like Wi-Fi internet connection. The only problem with wireless Wi-Fi is that routers broadcast signals just in the limited distance. We all know that situation when we are leaving our homes and need to rely on often too expensive and slow mobile internet with limited traffic. If Tesla were alive today, he would probably work on solving this problem. Unfortunately, he is not with us anymore, but there is a great team working to resolve this with their World Wi-Fi project.
What is World Wi-Fi?
The basic idea behind this project is providing free internet access for millions of user all around the world. At its core, World Wi-Fi is making blockchain based three parties ecosystem that will be beneficial for all of them and provide free internet access for anyone who needs it. The parties are
Owners of the Routers
Router owners that decide to connect and participate in World Wi-Fi project are going to gain extra income just by opening their router Wi-Fi connection to other users. Their router will then provide separate public network access point to anyone in its radius. Router owners will be paid a certain amount of cryptocurrency tokens, dependent on the usage of their Wi-Fi connection by other users.
This project will provide a new platform for advertisers and enable them a direct connection with the targeted audience. Use of World Wi-Fi advertising network will cut the middleman from advertising process, lower the price of adds, and secure targeted adds for advertisers. The platform will provide reliable and accurate statistic while the use of blockchain technology will secure truthful results without any chance of falsifying them.
Guest user
Guest users of World Wi-Fi internet service will have access to free internet connection. They will be "paying" this service through adds views and make their contribution to World Wi-Fi ecosystem this way.

Moreover-World Wi-Fi(WE)
World Wi-Fi team based this project on two already working products, Adrenta and Radius Wi-Fi. These two projects have proven the concept of free Wi-Fi to be highly profitable and successful. Their business numbers from last year look amazing and promising for this project. The team now decided to use all advantages of blockchain technology and expand worldwide so we can expect from this ICO to become successful and profitable. At this moment's World Wi-Fi ICO presale is going on, and you can invest HERE. The price at this phase is $0.1 for 1WT Token. World Wi-Fi is a global decentralized free network. The participants of the platform include ordinary users, router owners and advertisers. The users enjoy free internet, router owners are paid by advertisers for the ads viewed by the users; advertisers receive an effective tool for targeting of advertising and analytics of advertising campaign effectiveness. The Internet is important for a huge variety of reasons, and it affects and facilitates nearly every aspect of modern life. A view in society has evolved MISSION that Internet access is one of the civil rights of a person. The United Nations Human Rights Council adopted a resolution that condemns any state blocking or restricting access to the Internet for its citizens. At the same time, a greater part of the world population of over 7,6 billion people still have no access to the Internet. In most cases, those who have it must pay for it. The monthly cost of residential internet with a connection speed of 10 Mb/s in different countries varies from $3.40 to $197.70. An average monthly subscription fee in the world is about $30. If the Internet is considered to meet a basic human need, everyone should have an opportunity for Internet access whether it is paid or for free. According to the United Nations in 2016, there are over 800 million people below the poverty line (under $1.90 per capita a day). This is over 10% of the world population. The wealthiest and the middle class account for 24%. For 76% of the world population the monthly cost of the Internet is a substantial amount. And it goes without saying that almost everyone would welcome some additional sources of revenue.
The internet has gradually evolved to become an integral part of the modern life. However, not all can stake claim to its complete access. Most people still have no internet access especially in developing countries and those who do, have pay for it. An estimated cost of internet with a connection speed of 10MB/s ranges from $3 to $197, with a monthly subscription of about $30. Now, according to the UN, there are over 800million people worldwide living below the poverty line (below $1.90 per capita), and another 7.6 billion without internet access. This is the gap that World WI-Fi seeks to fill. The World Wi-Fi project is a universal decentralized free Wi-Fi network established on personal residential routers. Router owners share their surplus internet capacity with guest users at a fee payable in Cryptocurrency. World Wi-Fi project focuses its operation on communal contribution. A decentralized network of Advertisers, Router Owners and Guest Users operating in the World Wi-Fi system form the chain. Blockchain technology is used to track and protect these transactions making the process fast, efficient and cheap. The project operates on a Delegated Proof of Stake (DPOS) accord system; stating that the difficulty of producing a block should be relative to the stake in the network. None competitive representatives are chosen by the stake holders to run the platform.

World Wi-Fi(WE)-The Conclusion
This ICO is based on simple idea that anyone can understand in just 2 minutes, and that is always a good thing for projects in this phase. The team is looking experienced in this area of business, and they have already developed two similar projects that have proven to be profitable. Regarding ICO economics, the price of the tokens looks fair for the project at this phase of development, plus all unsold tokens will be burned. The only thing I don't like too much is model of token distribution. Just 45% of them will be sold on the market, while 40% is reserved for future development. In my opinion, there is no need to develop this project extensively, but this percentage can be explained by plans for world expansion in the years to come.

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